Wednesday, October 06, 2004

the journey begins

When I was in college (Eastern Illinois University) I worked on staff at The Daily Eastern News all four years. The motto of the paper was "To tell the truth and don't be afraid." What an exciting mission statement. No matter the cost, no matter the consequence...get the truth out.

I covered local news in Charleston, IL. City council meetings, county board, local biz updates....stuff like that. Then I moved up the chain to city editor and eventually found myself sitting in the editor-in-chief office. All the time, we passionately nosed around for truth, and was passionate about sharing it to our 9,000 plus readers on a daily basis.

My life has taken a turn in the area of career... but the mazing thing is that I still want to the tell the truth and not be afraid. That will be an ingredient in the this journey for truth, sharing truth with others, and discovering together how to apply truth to our lives.

Oh yeah...I am a Christian. Before stereotyping me, I follow Jesus, and that's what makes me a Christian. If you have preconceived opinions of Christians, please be fair enough to give me a shot at showing people that Christianity is real, and not as hokey or hypocritical as some have unfortunately painted the picture.

So..this is the begining of an online, transparent journey. Come along...comment along...

let the truth B told

- T

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