Wednesday, October 13, 2004

My business shouldn't mix with ad business

The last time I was at the Shoji Tabuchi Show in Branson was to see the men's bathroom, not the show. In fact, I've never seen the show... but I've been to the theater twice to experience the restrooms. The men's restroom has a pool table with a guy ready to rack the table for you. The stalls have solid wood doors with black marble toilets. But the best thing ever...there is shaved ice in urinals. Why? I have a few opinions, but I'll keep them to myself in this writing.

Why am I reminiscing about the ice-filled urinals in Branson? Because today I read that urinals are the new billboards of the day.

To quote from a press release: "To help create buzz for its new landmark television event, CMT OUTLAWS concert and countdown specials premiering Friday, Oct. 29, CMT will target men at bathroom urinals in bars, concert venues, colleges and radio stations with the -- Wizmark(R) -- the world's first and only device of its kind. The deodorizing urinal drain filter cover - featuring a waterproof anti-glarelenticular viewing display, pre-recorded audio and flashing lights -- is motion-activated: step up to the urinal and the unit starts flashing, talking and alternating pictures. The units are designed to last more than 10,000 flushes."

Some lady is going to tell you to watch Country Music Television as you're peeing. I just don't know what to think about this. Shouldn't this be a private time? Can't I get away from ads at least when I'm looking down trying to take care of some business?

Where will this stop? I hope I never sit down in a public restroom to poop and the toilet tells me about a new South Beach diet book that's available at the local bookstore.

let the truth B told

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