Monday, October 11, 2004

Reality wake-up, spinning stupid, and the Bag Lady

Reality Wake-Up
"Superman" actor Christopher Reeve died Sunday. (story)

Almost every young boy's favorite superhero in the 70s, 80s, and 90s was Superman. Now the man who played this awesome caped crusader is dead. As sad as this is, it's a humbling reminder that we all have an eternal destination waiting for us. Kryptonite isn't the problem we must face, but a life without a relationship with our Maker.

Before we get too wrapped up in TV, politics, stem cell research, entertainment, and the MLB playoffs, let's take a little time to evaluate our real life, and where we'll be after we pass from this life on earth to our next destination.

Life will continue for all of us. But the destination of life is upto you. Jesus says that He is the way, the Truth, and the Life. Consider Him today.

Spinning Stupid
On a much less serious note....
I was watching the debates Friday and finally got sick of the spin. Both Republicans and Democrats have such obnoxious representatives to shout victory or point fingers at the end of each debate. Why do news programs air this stuff? Because people eat it up.

Can people think for themselves? Does the amount of spin on the TV after the debate suggest Americans are stupid and can't process the debate information without all the biased comment? I'm worried people wait to hear all the commentaries before they decide how the cadidates performed. Maybe we should all watch C-SPAN instead.

The Bag Lady
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