Thursday, November 04, 2004

HELP, I lost me e-mail address book

"Oh my goodness..." was my thought when I found out that I lost my entire email address book.

My hard drive crashed, and my email contacts have been lost.

If you know me, and we've corresponded through e-mail from time to time, please e-mail me at my (mattoonyouth) account. I need to rebuild my address book.

If you could e-mail others that know me, pass along that I need their e-mail addresses.

I feel so naked! So lost. So disconnected.

Thanks for e-mailing me and helping me out.


ps...Big Thanks to A for seven hours of work on my laptop.

Rule #1 Backup - Backup - Backup !!!!!
Rule #2 Backup - Backup - Backup !!!!!
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