Monday, November 22, 2004

I'm going to the woods with a gun...

Thanksgiving is around the corner, deer hunting season has arrived, and bullets are flying in Wisconsin.

According to the AP News: Police in Wisconsin say a man accused of shooting eight hunters was "chasing after them and killing them."

Authorities say the deadly violence in Sawyer County erupted after a dispute over a tree stand on Sunday. They say two hunters who confronted Chai Vang were shot as were those who responded to calls for help.

Five people were killed and three were wounded. Police say the suspect was "sniping" at the victims with an assault-style rifle. The suspect was arrested after getting lost in the woods and running out of bullets.

I'm sure the anti-gun people will be up in arms using this scenerio as a foothold in their soapbox against firearms. But this is not a hunting issue. This is not a gun issue. This is a crazy man issue.

Don't let the spin hit you as you hear about the dangers of guns during hunting season. This man was illegally on private property. When he was approached by the owners, he began shooting like a mad man. As help was called to the scene, he shot those guys too. This is no typical hunting accident.

This man has severe issues. I hope anti-gun activists are smart enough not to use him as a poster child. We'll see.

By the way, my father-in-law is taking me hunting Thanksgiving morning. I hope we find lots of pheasent... and no wackos.

Happy Thanksgiving


I'm not with the hardcore left-wingers on this one, but let's get real. This is not just a "crazy man issue", it's a "allowing tools to be available for crazy men issue". I don't want to get rid of guns altogether, but let's keep some common sense here. I don't buy that "guns don't kill people" nonsense for a second. You have to admit that the gun helps a bit, just going up to a person and saying ,"bang" usually dosen't do the trick.
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