Monday, January 10, 2005

Allah wave? That was this week's sermon...

Reporting in the Washington Times: “The killer wave that swallowed tens of thousands of Muslims was an act of Allah designed to punish the Christians. So went the convoluted logic of some Muslim imams in recent sermons from Saudi Arabia to the Palestinian territories.
If it weren't for the diligent monitoring of Muslim clerics by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), Americans would be in the dark about the outpourings of dangerous drivel fed to devout Muslims gathered in mosques for Friday prayers.”

Should it be surprising that the tsunami is being used by radical Muslims as propaganda against Christianity and Christmas? Or to further the hatred toward the Jews?

The story reported: Saudi cleric 'Aed Al-Qarni told the worshippers, "Throats must be slit and skulls must be shattered. This is the path to victory." He was reacting to the death of a brother "killed by the brothers of apes and pigs, the murderers of the prophets." In case there was any doubt, he was referring to the Jews of Israel.

We are living in radical times. Christians in America need to be alert to the reality of hatred toward Jesus as Lord and Savior. We are too apathetic and comfortable in our safe neighborhood churches. We live life a bit selfishly, and we usually fail to grasp the big picture of what’s happening in the world outside our borders.

Let this be a reminder that a spiritual war is raging, and we must not be draft dodgers.

Be alert. Pray often. Seek His face. Stand strong.

Let the Truth be Told...

hmmm. It seems that these same sorts of comments were made by prominent american christians after 911. they called it a judgement of god against the non-christians in america. see jerry falwell or pat robertson. why are you surprise that muslim clerics would be any different than thier christian counterparts.
as for the "end times" comment posted, at the writing of the bible, didn't they say it was already the "end times". that was 2000 years ago. any time there is a natural disaster or a large-scale tragedy, christians say its the "end times". it seems almost like a chicken little syndrome. christians are quick to say that something is connected to the "end times". doesn't stuff just happen sometimes?
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