Wednesday, February 02, 2005

I love fried chicken...

Starting today, the Rev. Al Sharpton is joining forces with the animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals to urge a boycott of KFC.

"If we give our money to KFC, we're paying for a life of misery for some of God's most helpless creatures," says Mr. Sharpton in an eight-minute video that will be shown outside KFC's around the country.

Mr. Sharpton and PETA are demanding that KFC force its chicken suppliers to give chickens more room in factory barns before they are killed.

Here’s the problem with Sharpton’s partnership with PETA: He is pro-choice and supportive of a woman’s right to kill her unborn baby.

In fact, he calls it a civil right’s violation to be pro-life.

Here’s some of his direct quotes:

Q: How do you feel about abortion?
A: I think women should have the right to choose what happens to their own life, body and choices. Source: Concord Monitor / on-line Q&A Nov 5, 2003

My religion says that abortion is wrong. And while I may believe that life begins when the sperm meets the egg, and that only God should decide whether to take a life, I will not stand in the way of a woman's right to choose. If women do not have a right to choose, then it's a civil rights violation. Source: Al On America, by Rev. Al Sharpton, p. 89 Jan 1, 2002


I don’t understand how anyone can partner with PETA and join a campaign to improve the environment of chicken before being process for food consumption, yet turn their head and ignore abortion.

Sharpton believes these aborted babies are alive and a wonderful part of God’s creation, but allows people to kill them in the name of civil rights.

Mr. Sharpton needs to evaluate why he became a reverend. Instead of allowing his left-winged circle of influencers to tell him what to do, he needs to go back to his biblical origins.

His reference for standards has been tainted, and now babies are being killed while chickens may get more apartment space.

I think Sharpton is chicken to stand up to what he knows is right.

Let the truth be told


During all my years in the right to life movement, I never heard a pro-abort admit how foolish the "woman's right to choose" argument was. One time we even came up with joke slogans out of our frustration - my favorite was "screw the whales, save the babies!" (which of course we never used). The hypocrisy of animal-rights people who aren't even a smidgeon people-rights people is so evil. Thanks for your site, there is some really great stuff here!
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