Monday, February 28, 2005

Some personal random thoughts....

It's Monday and I'm trying to get back to regular life...if there is such a thing.

I've been to South Florida for a Book of Hope Celebration where fundraisers gave enough money to purchase almost 60 million copies of the the Book of Hope for youth and children around the world. What an experience to hear first-hand accounts of how God is working across this planet. I love partnering with God!

Then I got off a plane and headed to Target 05, a youth ministry leadership conference in Rockford, IL. I was deeply challenged to continue my pursuit to invest in students' lives. At 30, I feel I'm just getting started at helping teens understand what it means to have a real relationship with God. What a responsibility God has given help people get connected to God. In today's world, we have to keep sharp on the presentation of an eternal message of hope and love. We want to be relevant to this culture, but maintain steadfast in preserving the message. Got ideas...let me know.

Today I was reminded that Joey Howell is leading a missions trip of college students to Rancho de sus Ninos in Mexico on his spring break. That's awesome. Joey has been with me on every trip I've put together. Now, he's leading a trip. Wow... Invest....invest....invest...

No matter who is reading this....I just feel prompted to let you know that God is real and at work in your life. I've seen, felt, and experienced Him at work in my life, many students' lives, my friends' lives and my family's lives. Just ask....He's waiting. political commentary, no news briefings....just some random thoughts.....

still....let the truth be told......


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