Monday, August 01, 2005
D-Camp 2005

I'd like to thank Joe for all the great help....he's the older more mature looking guy in the front and center in the red shirt.
This year we went to East St. Louis for a one-day outreach. We worked with Jay Covert. He's a missionary every church needs to support.
If you were at D-Camp....leave a comment about the week.
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Ya D-camp totally was the most amazing thing in the world. I loved it. This was my first year so I went in knowing nothing about the camp. I just went knowing that I wanted more of God. I went and made great friends, got connected with alot of amazingly awesome people. D-camp is great because it is so focused on gettin closer to God yet you get the chance to hang out with people and get to know them better than you do at the other camps. I made some life lasting friendships while I was at camp. Most of all I got closer to God...I learned that you know what we can really trust him and that people arent just telling you that you can trust God just to being wasting breath. Its so true. But I think that everyone should have a chance to go to WILL NOT regret it even one bit! Peace out.
-Ashley Taylor
-Ashley Taylor
Yeah 707! I had one unforgettable week while counseling at D-camp, which says a lot when you have counseled in over a dozen states! My Girls in 707~Marlaina, Steph, Felicia, Gabbie, Jessica, Izzi(and a few who were adopted along the way, i.e. Heather) made this week incredibly enjoyable~ to see all of you girls serve one another throughout the week blessed my socks off! Thanks for keeping me up late to talk about emotional purity within dating relationships, for the great adventure of sneeking out onto the Gazebo the last night;), for being teachable, for being willing to receive what God has for your lives & in return lay your fears aside so the Holy Spirit can move in the lives of others around you~> Tears even come to my eyes right now thinking about all of you! Thank you for all your encouragement & love... you will never be forgotten!
Jessie Shanks
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Jessie Shanks
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