Monday, August 22, 2005
Goodbye Phil...

Having a partner in youth ministry is refreshing. Phil was our church's summer intern this year. He's a senior Youth Ministry major at North Central U. And thanks to Phil, this summer was a lot of fun, really effective for ministry, and loaded with memories.
Thanks Phil for adding some testosterone to the missions trip. Thanks for telling funny jokes and being a breath of fresh air around hear. Thanks for feeding my goldfish. Thanks for preaching. Thanks for technical help almost everyday. Thanks for all the energy at camp. Thanks for trying Country Bob's all purpose sauce on a blueberry donut. Thanks for going to Deb's Wings and Subs with me. Thanks for your willingness to eat at Gills. Thanks for cleaning my office and sorting through tons of piles of stuff. Thanks for helping me refocus on the purpose of ministry. Thanks for asking all the right questions. Thanks for being a learner. Thanks for opening my eyes to Mrs. Freshley oatmeal cream pies that are better than Little Debbie's. Thanks for sleeping in a hot tent when I was in the RV. Thanks for wearing sleeveless t-shirts with me this summer. And most of all....thanks for Bubba.
The summer was awesome. Finish NCU strong. Your future will be amazing.
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Hey Travis
You are very welcome, but I feel as though I am the one that owes you thanks. You have invested a lot of time and energay into me. Not just this sumkmer, yoiur investment started 12 years ago in a sunday school classroom. If we only knew back then what we have both become. I don't think either of us would have believed it.
I have said it before but I'm saying it again you and pastor a large part of who I am today. Thank you so much for your time and energy for not giving up.
I'm mostly rambling now but it's because I can't believe how quickly this summer has ended. Thanks for so many great memories, many of which you have mentioned here. I leave you with this, stay strong, press on and finish the race. God has a lot in store for you and the Pipelien and First Assembly, i can't wait to see what it is.
God bless you my friend
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You are very welcome, but I feel as though I am the one that owes you thanks. You have invested a lot of time and energay into me. Not just this sumkmer, yoiur investment started 12 years ago in a sunday school classroom. If we only knew back then what we have both become. I don't think either of us would have believed it.
I have said it before but I'm saying it again you and pastor a large part of who I am today. Thank you so much for your time and energy for not giving up.
I'm mostly rambling now but it's because I can't believe how quickly this summer has ended. Thanks for so many great memories, many of which you have mentioned here. I leave you with this, stay strong, press on and finish the race. God has a lot in store for you and the Pipelien and First Assembly, i can't wait to see what it is.
God bless you my friend
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