Monday, August 29, 2005

MTV and our youth culture

Last night I wrapped up our Sunday night Pipeline youth service, and immediately some students wanted to get home to watch the VMAs on MTV. (I never get into award shows on TV.)

So after the Pipeline Service, I hung out with some of the staff at good ol' McDs, then headed home kind of late....around 10 p.m. As I was flipping through the channels (mainly to find news on the hurricane) i came across the VMAs.

In the 30 seconds that I watched, I saw Jessica Simpson in a odd looking piece of lingerie giving an award. They kept showing the camera angle from behind her so you could see the back of her outfit. Or the lack thereof....

I turned it off....sighed deeply....prayed silently...and pondered about youth ministry in today's society.

Then today, Walt Mueller (Christian youth culture specialist), commented on the VMAs.

This is a MUST READ for all parents, youth workers, teachers...


hey travis
thanks for always being there. and for being concerned
my mom and i were just talking about similar stuff today in the car on the way to school. we were talking about the involvement of parents in their children's lives or lack there of. and how the parents expect the children and youth pastor to teach their children the right way. thanks for all you do in giving advise and encouragement
excelent article my friend... Very good observations on the part of that guy (I already forgot his name, what does that say about our culture). None the less it was very good. Thank you sir

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