Friday, September 30, 2005
Paper, rock, scissors...and 22 others
I like a good 'ol game of Paper, Rock, Scissors. But how about playing the game with 25 options, instead of three. No more ties....well there is a 4 percent chance of a tie with this game. It's a bit complex. Here's the basic layout of the options and flowchart.

Here's a link to the flow chart....and a link to the outcomes, in case you want to play.
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hey quick question...did joy and diane go to the illinois women in minstry/pastor's wife confrence?
my sister went and i told her to loo for your wife and mother in law
thanks a bunch for everything see you @ convention
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my sister went and i told her to loo for your wife and mother in law
thanks a bunch for everything see you @ convention
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