Monday, October 03, 2005
Honduras on Wednesday

I'll be traveling to Honduras on Wednesday to help set up a Book of Hope trip for the Summer. All Illinois teens are invited to check out this trip. All the final details will be announced at Momentum convention in November.
I'll only be in Honduras for 2 days. It's a quick trip, but I'm looking forward to seeing and experiencing the land we will be distributing God's Word and showing the animated God Man video in. It will be a great trip in June 2006.
I believe short-term mission trips for students is crucial in helping them realize how big and diverse God's Kingdom is. I know there has been a lot of controversy in ministry circles whether or not short-term trips are beneficial. Here's my opinion:
It all depends of the trip, the organization leading the trip, and philosophy of ministry behind the trip. There are damaging short-term trip out there for people to go on....Damaging to the field, as well as damaging to the individual on the trip.
Then again, like Book of Hope, there are incredible opportunities. Trips like the one we will be offering in June 2006 will help American students see a side of life they have never experienced, will allow them to work with the national church and indigenous church. God's Word will be individually distributed to thousands of students, the Gospel message will be presented in a relevant way, AND the local church will be planning, spearheading, organizing all the efforts and doing all follow-up. It's a win-win for American kids and the churches in Honduras. This is a model of an effective short-term trip.
Let's not be discouraged by all the nightmare stories we've heard from other missionaries and youth pastors about bad trips. Do your homework, chose trips based on personal recommendation from trusted sources, and equip and prepare your team for a life-changing experience.
I love missions...especially short-term missions where I get to see God do miracles in American students' lives, as well as work in people's lives who live in a different land than I do.