Monday, October 03, 2005

Listen to Nancy...

I've spent all day at the local middle school video taping 7th and 8th graders in health class performing anti-drug and alcohol skits. It's amazing to me how involved these guys got in their skits. Although at first they were nervous...and some didn't really care...but for the most part many of them enjoyed being in them.

If most of the kids enjoyed the skits, why will at least half of them (if stats will continue at the same rate) get involved in the very thing they encouraged others not to do? Interesting.

My gut feeling is that some teens enjoy skits more than they enjoy standing firm in their convictions. Again, interesting.

To think positive, I believe it does help to continue to beat the anti-drug/alcohol drum. I do believe, however, the drum beat needs to change, though, to keep up with culture; and not become static noise in the background of teenage life.

I'm thankful to be a part of this experience at the middle school. I'll be doing a complete anti-drug/alcohol assembly for the students at the end of October.

So in the meantime, if you get offered some drugs....yes Nancy....Just Say No!

24 and still just saying no
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